| Leading Researcher |
Vladimir A. Maidanov | |
Doctor of phys.-math. sciencies | |
job: +38-057-341-08-29; local: 9-29, 3-50, 4-81, 3-93 | |
e-mail:maidanov[at]ilt.kharkov.ua | |
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Graduated from Kharkov State University (Physics Department) in 1977. Since 1975 he is with the ILTPE NAS Ukraine, defended a PhD (1987) and a Doctor’s (2003) Theses. He is an author and co-author of over 160 publications and inventions. Scientific interests: physics of quantum liquids and crystals, low- and ultralow temperature equipment, thermometry and metrology. Research activity - Quantum crystals\Phase separations kinetics of 3He-4He mixtures, Supersolidity of quantum crystals | |
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